
Healthy Eating Challenge!

With the stay-at-home order extended, many of us have been eating the same home cooked meals for 18 weeks. While we are happy to help lessen the COVID-19 curve, we are craving creativity in the kitchen. How can we boost our energy? How can we make clean eating fun? Clean eating is all about whole …

Megan’s Story

In this video, Megan talks about the extra burden she experienced as a female soldier in Iraq, how the support system for veterans failed her when she came home, and how she finally found the help she needed.

Abby’s Story

In this video, Abby relates how her experiences with Military Sexual Trauma (MST) while serving created barriers to mental health and adjustment afterward, and how she found support and hope for moving forward.

Yaying’s Story

In this video you’ll learn about: The beginnings of Yaying’s depression during AIT as well as experiences common to many who have served such as bad dreams, suicidal thoughts, and sense of permanence about her bad feelings. Yaying’s reasons for joining the military The benefits Yaying experienced as a result of therapy including a new …

Esmeralda’s Story

In this video you’ll learn about: Esmeralda’s challenges with mental health, common to many who have served, including nervousness, an inability to sleep, overthinking everything and feelings of anger The implications of ignoring or denying the problem including coping mechanisms like use of alcohol The benefits of therapy including improved relationship with her children, confronting …